How To Stay Safe & Protect Yourself While Camping

Camping is a lot of fun. It is a favorite choice of leisure for many Americans. But of course, it isn’t something you shouldn’t be too likely to do. Believe it or not, camping can expose you to different types of unlikely situations. Some of them can harm your personal safety. 

This predicament should be taken into account, especially if you like doing free camping in remote or secluded areas. These are places where your personal safety isn’t assured. Hence, you should make it your top priority. 

In this blog, I will teach you how to protect yourself while camping and ensure that your personal safety isn’t compromised. 

Is Camping Dangerous?

Based on the statements above, many of you would assume that camping is dangerous. But that’s not really the case, especially if you will head to established campgrounds where security and emergency services are present. 

However, there are situations that would certainly send chills to your spine. If you feel unsafe, then it is important that you know how to act properly in response. 

Certainly, the most common fear would be getting injured or killed while camping. Fortunately, these cases don’t happen often. However, there are less severe dangers that you might want to mind, as well. Regardless if you are an RV or tent camper, you need to know that you aren’t completely safe all the time. 

Hence, it is essential that you are capable of protecting yourself. Furthermore, you have to realize that unique situations could arise. Adapting to these circumstances would help you defend yourself better. 

Fortunately, preparedness can elevate your chances of survival. At the same time, you always have the ability to control some of the fundamental factors for your safety. Read on to learn more. 

How To Protect Yourself While Camping

Believe it or not, there are numerous threats that you can encounter while camping. And things could get worse if you fail to implement the essential safety measures.

Here are some of the things that you need to do to remain safe while camping.

Look For A Safe Campground

When it comes to camping, finding the ideal campground is crucial. It does not only benefit you in the aspect of comfort; it also helps thwart possible threats. 

There are specific guidelines on how you can find a safe campground.

  1. You need to read reviews. If someone can recommend a particular campsite, then there’s a probability that an area is a good place to camp. But of course, make sure that the recommendations or reviews you get are recent. Old reviews might not reflect the current situation of a campground. 
  2. You can also ask other campers for their recommendations. Let them give suggestions on where you should head. Online forums are a great source for legitimate camping information. 
  3. There’s nothing bad if you go to your local authorities to know the crime statistics of a particular area. If you notice that the criminal activities are quite high, you should just avoid the place. 
  4. Be observant and vigilant at the same time. If possible, have an in-depth understanding of the area where you want to camp. Does it have a friendly neighborhood? Does it have several exit points that you can go to if there’s an emergency?
  5. Always trust your intuition. If you feel that there’s something wrong with the place, just depart. There’s no point in staying in an area that you aren’t comfortable in the first place. Your gut feeling can actually save your life. 

What Makes A Campsite Safe?

  • The availability of cellular or internet service providers. Camping in an area where you can access the internet or your phone can enhance your chances of survival during emergencies and life-threatening situations.
  • The accessibility of the campground is essential. Rescue and authorities can reach you faster if you camp in highly accessible areas. Furthermore, the place should have various exit points that you can use if you want to escape.
  • The presence of police, firefighters, and rescue personnel. Them being near your location is an assuring thing. 
  • The presence of other campers. It feels safer if there are other people with you. In remote campsites, you would rarely find people. In fact, things could get a little sketchy if strangers suddenly appear. 

Investment In Security Equipment

Your money won’t mean that much if your life’s on the line. Hence, before you go on a camping trip, make sure that you make the correct investment. Specifically, you should acquire security devices that could protect you while camping. 

  1. Get locks that would seal your items, bags, tent, and vehicle. You have to make sure that other people can’t open them if you are not around. Moreover, it would be best if you didn’t appear too flashy. Don’t expose your valuables so that you don’t attract robbers.
  2. Having a motion detector system on your tent or RV is a big deal. They will pop alarms or lights to alert you that a person or animal is within your vicinity. These alarms can be triggered by harmless wildlife, as well, so always pay attention. Of course, there’s nothing wrong if you exercise extra vigilance. 
  3. You can also carry self-defense weapons. Guns and knives can help you fend off attackers. However, always check your state laws to know whether or not carrying these weapons is illegal. Fortunately, it is not only firearms and knives that can protect you. The following staff can provide you with the same capability. 
  • Heavy and rugged flashlights
  • Baseball bats
  • Taser guns
  • Pepper sprays
  • Keys 
  1. Illuminating your area can also discourage people and animals from doing what they are supposed to do. Lamps and lanterns can do the trick.  
  2. You should also invest in a complete first-aid kit. At the same time, learn how to use the kit, too. 

What To Do To Protect Yourself While Camping

Your actions and behavior can either increase or decrease the probability of escaping an emergency. Hence, it is necessary that you don the following things:

  1. Remain vigilant when you are at the campsite and when you are wandering around. Be friendly with your neighbors, but don’t let your guard down. Always trust your instinct when it comes to assessing an individual. 
  2. If you are using common facilities, such as restrooms, bring someone with you. The more you are, the less vulnerable you appear. Again, there’s strength in numbers. 
  3. Always carry a self-defense weapon. 
  4. Many attackers want your cash and other valuables. If you value your life, just give them your possessions. The likelihood of escaping your attackers gets a little higher if you can comply with their demands.
  5. Ensure that your phone is fully charged when camping. In this way, you will be able to call a rescue whenever it is needed. 
  6. Criminals often search for easy targets. If you look vulnerable and afraid, they will prey on you. Therefore, you should maintain your calm and composure. Try your best not to appear that you are being threatened. 
  7. You should inform your family and trusted friends about your trip. Tell them where you are going and when you are expected to return. Provide updates to them from time to time. 
  8. Make sure that your vehicle is ready to drive. You can escape faster if your car or truck is near a passable path. Don’t park somewhere that is far from your camping area. 
  9. Know your address. Many people tend to ignore this matter. But it can actually save your life. Rescue can arrive faster if you easily pinpoint the address of your current location. For those who are boondocking, make sure that you know which agency manages your campsite, identifying landmarks, and the names of nearby roads. 
  10. Don’t reveal your camping schedule and location on social media platforms. Don’t give wrongdoers any idea where to find you.

How To Protect Yourself While Camping Alone

Some people have no other choice but to camp alone. Meanwhile, some prefer going out solo. Regardless of your reason, solo camping is an excellent thing. It opens you to experiences you haven’t encountered before. 

However, solo camping can put you in various dangerous situations. As I mentioned earlier, there’s strength in numbers. You can’t have such protection when you are alone. Fortunately, there are still ways you can buff your safety. 

  • Create a personal space. Don’t get too close to other campers, especially if you don’t know them. Furthermore, remain aware and alert to your surroundings. 
  • As stated, don’t share where you are on your social media accounts. Only share this sensitive information with people you trust. At the same time, don’t announce to the world that you are solo camping.
  • Bring a pet if you can’t bring a human with you. Large dog breeds can be intimidating. 
  • Try to socialize. Evildoers will target those who appear isolated and vulnerable.
  • When setting up your camp, make it appear that you have companions. Display numerous pairs of shoes. Have some camping chairs out in the open. You can also hang large shirts. 
  • Always ready for your vehicle. It should be parked somewhere that you can access easily. It should also be in an area near a safe exit point. 
  • Bring the essential contact information with you.
  • A personal locator beam can also help rescuers find you easily. It is an essential gadget for solo hikers and trail runners. 


You can enjoy your camping trip better if it’s planned and safe. With the tough times that we have right now, there’s nothing really wrong with being extra careful. Hence, I recommend that you practice the tips I gave you here. Furthermore, try learning self-defense skills and first-aid. They can be handy in many situations!